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Interviewed by A Blue Million Books

July 13, 2019

A Blue Million Books

For the full Interview:

~ Preview of the interview ~


A few of your favorite things: coffee, herbal tea, nature.

Things you need to throw out: old to-do lists.

Things you need in order to write: coffee, quiet time alone or at a coffee shop, and longer periods of time without pressure of the to-do list.

Things that hamper your writing: day job, too much noise, and too much on my to-do list. Things you love about writing: I’ve always had a great imagination, and it’s fun to create. Learning that others were entertained and had fun reading my stories.

Things you hate about writing: the time it takes to do a good job without interference.

Easiest thing about being a writer: the creating has always been the easiest and most fun.

Hardest thing about being a writer: finding the long periods of time to create and then polishing the finished product. It is difficult to finally set a work down and say it’s ready to send out for publication. I think I’m my worst critic. Things you love about where you live: in the spring and summer everything is so green, emerald really.

Things that make you want to move: although the Great Lakes have so many pluses, they are snow-making machines. Too much snow in the winter and too much humidity in the summer. Taxes in New York State are terribly high. Things you never want to run out of: nature, coffee, herbal tea, pens, pencils, paper, family & friends.

Things you wish you’d never bought: this is difficult because I usually plan out purchases. Words that describe you: deep thinker, studious, light-hearted and serious at the same time, determined. My daughters say I’m kind and their opinion is very important to me. Words that describe you but you wish they didn’t: too serious sometimes. I try to think about what my action and others have and make the best decision based on those. My aim is to be prepared and to do and give the best that I can.

Favorite foods: coffee, herbal tea, a wide variety of nuts and seeds, vegetables (love salads), most fruits, Kefer (high potency yogurt), chocolate.

Things that make you want to throw up: I’ve never liked asparagus or okra. This second is like eating snot. Who can check out the flavor when the consistency is slimy?

Something you’re really good at: teaching college/academic writing, riding horses, and being versatile.

Something you’re really bad at: letting people fall. I’m a helper.

Things that make you happy: spending time with my family and friends, digging in flower, herbal, and vegetable gardens.

Things that drive you crazy: other drivers on the interstate who take chances and decide to put my life in danger  because they think they’re Nash car drivers or in a video game where “do-overs” are freely available.



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