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General Information

I would love to visit your organization, classroom or library! This can be over the Internet through Zoom, or maybe I can visit in person. There is much to share with young learners. Besides authoring work, I teach college-level writing, tutor all ages, and am a Certified Elementary Teacher who has worked with children and teenagers for over 25 years.


The information below serves only as a general guideline. Please contact me to discuss your specific needs.

​Christina Francine’s Author Visits & Services

* The below focus on fiction. Essay workshops available in the future.


For printable version​


NOTE:  For Spring 2025, I am available only on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


I offer Author visits with a reading from one of my books and a few writing-level workshops. Note that I use PowerPoint slides. If you’re interested in an “In-Person” visit, I need a computer hooked into a large screen for the audience to see.




1. Choose either the “In-Person Author Visit/Reading” or “In-Person       

    Writing Workshop” your organization is interested in.


2. Indicate which book you would like me to focus on for the reading.

    For example: the discussion for The Woman in Green from Cromarty: A      Legend might center around premonition, intuition, etc. and a writer’s

    workshop would focus on a specific level (Beginner Level #1, etc.) and   

    Dream-Guardian. Author Visit/Readings and Workshops both feature a 

     brief reading from a book.


Choose which book you want me to read from:

  • Special Memory (picture book). Grades pre-K to 1st grade


  • The Woman in Green from Cromarty: A Legend (dark fiction with a touch of romance) 12 years old to adults.


  • Dream-Guardian (fantasy fiction with science fiction and romance elements) 12 years old to adults.​


3. Indicate the age group of the intended audience

     This is especially important for the picture book, Special Memory.


  • Ages 4-6 (pre-school to 1st Grade) Reading with focus lesson afterward using PowerPoint on Special Memories.


  • Ages 5-6 (K to 1st Grade) Reading with a focus lesson afterward on cloud types and then an activity: Making a Weather Rock. (I will supply the material).​​


4. If you’re able to, provide an estimated audience size.


  5. Name and location of your organization with 2 date choices and time.


  6. Organization name and contact name with email address.




                                      In-Person Author Visit/Reading


Time estimation:  1.5 to 2 hours

Cost estimation: $50-$100. Contact me to discuss your situation.


What they often entail but I’m flexible:


    * Introduction

          -About the author, their education, experience, and work.

          -Historical background, Research

          -Characters from the story

          -Theme of the story

* Reading

           -Chapters 1-6 (novel or novella length)

           -Whole story (picture book)


* Discussion and Q & A


* What’s Next? – I’m working on  


* Drawing/Door Prizes


* Book Signing  (books available to purchase)






                             In-Person Fiction Writing Workshop 


                                     (Essay workshop coming soon)


Time estimation:  2 to 2.5 hours

Cost estimation: $65-$150. Contact me to discuss your situation.


What they often entail but I’m flexible:



          -About the author, their education, experience, and work.

          -Historical background, Research






           -Chapters 1-6 (novel or novella length)

           -Whole story (picture book)


*Fiction Writer’s Workshop (choose level)

          -Beginner – Level #1

          -Beginner – Level #2

          -Intermediate – Level #1

          -Intermediate – Level #2


*Book Signing  (books available for purchase)







Cost estimation: $45-$135. Contact me to discuss your situation.


1. Author Visit using either Zoom or TEAMS


2. Writer’s Workshop using either Zoom or TEAMS


     Both contain in-person content without a book signing or door prizes






                      Tips on Specifics, Preparation, and Charges​


Questions I will ask to be ready for.


* What is your organization's budget?


* Will you buy a set number of books for your school library?


* Do you estimate children (i.e. parents) will buy books? 


* Will your school send home backpack fliers or print letters with my

   book information?


* Will your organization advertise?


* Will your school or organization send notice such as in a newsletter 

   providing notice of my visit and details about my book? 


* Will your school or organization post on social media?


                 What Schools Can Do to Raise Funds for a Visit


* Contact your state Humanities commission/council and ask them to

   cover the cost. Ditto for your state or local arts commission. Apply for a



* Sell books. I am more likely to lower their fee or even wave it if a school

   commits to purchasing a decent number of books; 50+ is a great

   bargaining number. 


* Engage your school's PTA/PTO. Ask them to fund the visit. 


* Begin early. The sooner you contact me and set a date, the better. We

   can all prepare well in advance and the better chance everything will go



Approach Me With Your Idea. You Never Know

~ Example Request from a Schools

                                   Visit focused on A Special Memory 


  • Discussing special memories and the strength they give us

  • Discussing the four main types of clouds and what they                            mean; being your own weather forecaster

  • Discussing how ideas develop into words and pictures,                        choosing words creatively and refining ideas

  • Explaining my career and how I became an                              author/educator

  • Q&A session

  • Book signing session                                                                                           --                                                                                                                             

Example idea a school approached me about with an example recording

Festival to Go

The Rochester, NY schools have offered their teachers and students recordings from
authors. These recordings are presentations of authors either reading their work. Some include a mini-lesson to go along with the reading. Access for teachers is ongoing. Authors provide the recordings free of charge to make a difference for students.

A recording of me reading one of my picture books (Special Memory) with a mini-lesson for grades PreK to second.

* PreK-Second Grade

An Example Request from a Rochester, NY School

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